Our Purpose

S.S.I and its divisions specialize in offering a 24 hour service to the Fuel Retail Industry, specializing in monitoring, assessing and evaluating service delivery standards in all divisions of a retail outlet.

Motto / Slogan

S.S.I = Establishing the link between management, staff performance, service delivery and customer needs.

S.S.I has the infrastructure and capability to operate anywhere in the Republic of South Africa and neighboring states but could extend its operations into Africa if requested.

1:  Mystery Shopper

Due to the nature of this service many pitfalls and challenges could face the marker.  S.S.I do not use ordinary members of the public to conduct this service, but has a large group of skilled markers who has an in depth knowledge of the industry, aggression management and service delivery and whom have been selected carefully.


  • Markers are all S.M.E’s.

  • Continuous rotation of vehicles and markers regionally / nationally to protect mystery marker’s identity.

  • Regular workshops are conducted with the markers regarding service delivery, assessment and evaluation process.

  • Marking different candidates if possible.

  • Applying assessments as per outlet requirements.

  • Additional comments with regards to Strengths / weaknesses submitted / Site specific information.

  • If needed a direct link between marker and retailer established.

  • Electronic feedback within 24 hours (Mon – Friday)  Feedback on weekends:  next working day.

  • Supplying comprehensive Quarterly summary reports / Regionally and Nationally.

2: Site visits:  Day:  Customer interviews & Staff Assessments

This division conducts visits at Service Stations and provide the retailer with a report on customer views (based on customer service), evaluations on how the staff perform their duties (13 point check) whether car wash, shop or forecourt.  Visiting hours:  08h00 – 17h00

Reports are submitted within 24 hours and contains the following services and information:

  • Overall Rating % in Service Delivery

  • Full contact database of customers that partook in these surveys

  • Customer comments with reference to previous visits and suggestions for improvement from the customer

  • Areas for concern highlighted and suggestions for improvement from SSI Assessor

  • Staff assessment report / individual

  • Debriefing of staff and management after visit.

As part of this service we provide you with the link between your customers, your staff and your business.

3: Site visits:  Night:  Quality Control after hours

As you are aware night time security is a high risk at Service Stations.  Willem Wolmarans realized the opportunity to assist retailers in preventatively combating this risk of questionable actions at his site during evening shifts and started this division in 1991.  This division visits your site at night time during various unsuspected intervals.

Visiting hours:  22h00 – 06h00

  • A detailed written report is then submitted (hand delivered or emailed on the same day) including photos of what took place during that period of time.

  • Quarterly Summary Reports, summarizing events that took place and warning you of possible safety hazards and security risks on your premises.

  • Assistance with testimonies in disciplinary issues.

  • Evaluating staff on duty.

  • Submitting customer feedback on service delivery after hours.